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Waste Elimination Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

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Waste Elimination - Coursework Example

The system uses a two-way approach focusing and driving both customers, internal as well as external. The basic purpose of Lean Manufacturing is to eliminate waste at all levels of production including the product design, factory management, supplier networks and customer relations. Its basic aim is to reduce the overall human effort, reduce the inventory storage, taking less production time and less space to become responsive to customer demands while also producing high quality products in the most economic and efficient manner. In this context waste is defined as anything that customer is not willing to pay for (Ramnath, et al., 2010). In the current environment, no company in production or engineering can achieve success without the incorporating the lean production methods in their systems. The Lean production methods or the TPS system given by TaiichiOhno serves as a strong base for competitive, successful and modern flow of materials.